
Are you curious about what professional athletes eat to get results? You’re not alone! Every day, people are looking for information on what the best diet is for them. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the diets that professional athletes swear by.


We’ll also explore some common foods that you can add to your own diet in order to achieve similar results.


So, whether you’re an athlete yourself or just looking to improve your overall health, read on for some great tips!


So, what do athletes eat to win?


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as every athlete has different dietary needs depending on their sport, their body type, and their training regimen. However, there are some general principles that many athletes follow in order to stay in peak condition.


One of the most important things that athletes can do is to make sure that they’re getting enough protein. Protein is essential for building muscle, and it can also help to promote recovery after a workout. Many athletes choose to get their protein from lean sources such as chicken, fish, or tofu.


It’s also important for athletes to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods are packed with vitamins and minerals that can help to boost energy levels and immunity. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber, which can help to keep the digestive system functioning properly.


Another important aspect of an athlete’s diet is staying hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for peak performance, and it can also help to prevent injuries. Most athletes drink plenty of water throughout the day, and some also choose to add electrolytes to their drinks in order to replenish lost minerals.


Let’s take a look at some athletes and their sports to what they are putting into their bodies.




When it comes to running, athletes need to focus on two things: staying hydrated and eating plenty of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy, and they’re essential for long-distance runners. Many runners choose to eat complex carbs such as oatmeal or whole-wheat toast before a race, and they also make sure to drink plenty of fluids during and after their run.


Considered queen of the marathon miles, sportswoman Paula Radcliffe swears by grains, bananas, mixed nuts, salmon, and dark chocolate.




Swimmers need to be especially careful about staying hydrated, as they often lose a lot of fluids through sweating. In addition, swimmers need to eat plenty of protein in order to build strong muscles. Many swimmers choose to eat lean meats such as chicken or fish, and they also consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.


Open water swimming sensation Ker-Anne Payne says that for breakfast she has unbuttered toast with raspberry jam, followed by a banana. For lunch, her favourite is prawn pasta with carrots and avocado. Then, for dinner, she usually tucks into a balance of protein and carbs, such as a steak with garden peas and baked potatoes.




Soccer players need to have a lot of energy to run up and down the field for 90 minutes. So, they need to eat plenty of carbs and proteins. In addition, soccer players need to stay hydrated in order to prevent cramping. Many soccer players drink supplements during games, and they also make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.


Former English professional footballer David Beckham swears by lean protein and fish.




Basketball players need to be able to jump and run for long periods of time, so they need to eat plenty of carbs for energy. Many basketball players choose to eat lean meats such as chicken or fish, and they also consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.


Australian Olympian Rachel Jarry says that for breakfast she usually eats scrambled eggs on toast with avo and spinach. For lunch, it’s mostly a chicken salad and for dinner, she tries to have grilled salmon, sweet potato mash, broccolini, and asparagus whenever possible.




It’s no surprise that cyclists need to eat plenty of carbs for energy, and protein so that they can build muscle. For these athletes, chicken or fish with fruits and vegetables is most usually the dish of the day.


Professional Australian cyclist Simon Clarke is a firm believer in a protein shake made with half water and half rice milk as a recovery meal. He also swears by a bowl of rice with tuna and a bit of balsamic glaze.

Avoiding cramps


A cramp for an athlete is a nightmare come true. So, they do all they can to make sure that on match day there isn’t a cramp in sight. Their diet is important here, and many athletes make sure to eat plenty of potassium-rich foods such as bananas, sweet potatoes, and avocados.


They also take the right supplements to keep the cramps at bay. One popular cramp supplement is CrampFix, which was originally developed for rugby players. It’s a proudly Australian product that is now exported to over 15 countries. Thousands of athletes around the world swear on its effectiveness.


Staying hydrated


Athletes need to stay hydrated, especially in hot weather conditions. For this reason, many athletes drink sports drinks that contain electrolytes which help to keep the body hydrated. There are products on the market that are popular as well, such as Fuel X.


Fuel X prevents dehydration by making sure electrolytes are replenished. It keeps athletes energized and prevents cramping by giving them the right amount of carbohydrates. 


The popularity of CrampFix is not slowing down, with the likes of the Springboks and the Wallabies using it.


The right supplements for both amateur and professional athletes.


No matter if you’re a professional or amateur athlete, the right supplements can make a big difference in your performance. Thousands of athletes trust the Fixx Nutrition product range to give them the energy and focus when they need it most. Take a look at our full range here.


If you want to read more in-depth interviews with the athletes themselves about their training and dietary habits, click here.