by Fixx Nutrition | Jun 17, 2017 | News
“I ran the fastest time I have for years!” – Cairns Ironman Athlete, 2017 http:// Do you need relief from muscle cramping? Do you need something to fix muscle cramps? Prevent muscle cramps? CrampFix is an easy to use, fast acting, sports supplement....
by Fixx Nutrition | May 25, 2017 | News
Meet Jong Ha Park! He is part of Korea Randonneurs, and is the most well known within the community. According to Wikipedia: Randonneuring (also known as Audax in the UK, Australia and Brazil) is a long-distance cycling sport with its origins in audax cycling. In...
by Fixx Nutrition | May 25, 2017 | News
“CrampFix® Saved My Race!” – Nick North, IRONMAN “You guys definitely saved my race at Port Mac! I was destroyed after swimming and riding my heart out, and I was absolutely struggling on the run from the heat and the cramps. I was smashing...