
The 2024 TCS Sydney Marathon is fast approaching, taking place on Sunday, 15 September. This iconic event draws runners from all over the globe, eager to participate in one of the world’s most scenic and challenging marathons. While the marathon isn’t for the faint of heart, there are other options for less experienced runners.

Whether you are an experienced marathoner or a beginner looking to test your limits, this event offers something for everyone, including a 10km race and a mini-marathon of 4.2km. With its stunning backdrop of the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, this is a race you won’t want to miss.

In this post we take a closer look at the three race options, what you can expect and offer some tips on how you can get ready for race day.


Race Breakdown: Start and Finish Information

Full Marathon (42.195km)

The full marathon kicks off at Miller Street in North Sydney. Runners will traverse some of Sydney’s most iconic landmarks, including the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The course winds its way through the city, providing runners with breathtaking views and a diverse urban landscape. The finish line is located at the Sydney Opera House, where runners will be greeted with cheering crowds and the satisfaction of completing one of the world’s most beautiful marathon courses.

It’s a marathon that is often on the top of any passionate runner’s list, as it provides a unique way to explore the city and take in a truly exceptional vibe. You can expect runners of all shapes and sizes – from elite athletes to weekend warriors.

10km Run

The 10km race begins at 7:25 AM from the same start point as the marathon, on Millers Street. This race offers participants a more manageable distance while still enjoying the thrill of running across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and finishing at the stunning Opera House.

It’s a far more manageable distance for less experienced runners and as such attracts quite a different crowd to the full marathon. Don’t be surprised to see a mix of both experienced and serious runners, and those dressed in all sorts of regalia. 

You’ll finish the 10km at the Conservatorium of Music.

4.2km Mini-Marathon

For those looking for a shorter challenge, the 4.2km mini-marathon is a great option It starts at 8:05 AM, again in Millers Street. This race is perfect for families, beginners or anyone looking to soak in the marathon atmosphere without the commitment of a longer distance. The finish line, as per the 10km race, is at the Conservatorium of Music.

It’s a great introductory event for those looking to run their first-ever race over a distance that is much more doable than the 10km. You’ll see quite a lot of younger runners, but don’t be surprised to find athletes in the pack as they complete the race with their families.

You’ll still get a great view of the city and have a great deal of fun at the same time. It’s a race that always has a ton of atmosphere!


Training Tips for the Sydney Marathon

If you’re one of the many who plans to stand at the start line of the full marathon on 15 September, then you can’t come unprepared. Training for a marathon is a serious commitment and requires a well-structured plan to make sure you are prepared on race day. 

It’s not only about getting the miles in. It’s equally important that you follow a healthy diet and get the right amount of sleep.

Here are some tips to help you get ready for the 2024 Sydney Marathon:

Start Early

Although it’s too late to start now for the 2024 event, for next year you need to begin your training at least 16-20 weeks before the marathon. This will give you ample time to build up your mileage gradually and avoid injury. You can also get a feel for the course during these weeks so that you know what to expect on race day.

Follow a Training Plan

It’s important that you stick to a structured training plan to help you stay on track. This should include a mix of long runs, speed work and rest days. This is why it’s important to start your training in advance. You’ll need to slowly build up mileage and introduce speed work to push your body to its limit. 

Focus on Nutrition

Running marathons is not all about the training. Good sports nutrition is equally important if you are going to cross the line feeling strong, or at least having completed the race in your best time. Make sure you are getting a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats to fuel your runs and aid in recovery. Don’t forget about using supplements on your training runs to refuel your body as it becomes depleted in hydration and important minerals. The good news is that Fixx Nutrition has you covered in this area.


This one may seem quite straightforward, but you’ll be surprised how many runners forget to drink enough water. Staying hydrated is key, especially during long runs. Practice your hydration strategy during training to find what works best for you.

Rest and Recovery

Rest days are as important as training days. They allow your body to recover and reduces the risk of injury. 

Practice Race Day Routine

Simulate race day conditions in your long runs, including the time of day you will be running and the gear you will be wearing. This will help you feel more prepared and confident on race day. You’ll feel far more confident walking up to the start line if you feel like you’ve done a lot of it before.


Fixx Nutrition: Proud Nutritional Partner of the Sydney Marathon

We are excited to share that Fixx Nutrition is a proud nutritional partner of the 2024 TCS Sydney Marathon. At Fixx Nutrition, we provide a range of products designed to support your running performance and ensure you stay energised and hydrated throughout the race.  

Participants will have access to Fixx Nutrition electrolytes during their race, which will be available at various points along the course. You can find the specific locations of these hydration stations on the course map, available on the Sydney Marathon website.

If you need to load up on natural and effective sports supplements, head over to our running nutrition products page to see the range for yourself.

Looking for running tips as you get ready for your race, head over to our sports news blog where you can find plenty of insights.

Get Excited for the 2024 TCS Sydney Marathon, Sydney Marathon!