Running Music for Gen Xers

Running Music for Gen Xers

Let’s face it, if you’re a Gen Xer you are now officially middle-aged! Running in your late40’s and 50’s does get a little harder and you need to sometimes find that little bit of extra inspiration. Imagine for a second that you are out there pounding the pavement as you look to improve your fitness and hit a new PB. You’re struggling – you’re just not feeling it today. You soldier on but you know that it’s difficult to give it your all – you just can’t seem to find that motivation you need.

Suddenly, through your earphones, a nostalgic song from your youth drops into the random mix, and your running style changes. You are more determined with your stride. You can feel yourself picking up the pace. The energy of the song moves through you as it brings back a mix of memories of a time when you were energized and ready to take on whatever it was that life threw at you. You just found the motivation that you so needed.

This is the power of music in running.

For anyone who has struggled on a run and picked a tune to lift them up, you’ll know the feeling of how it can completely shift your running game. As we get older, these songs from our youth become increasingly powerful as they remind us of a time gone by. For Gen Xers, it’s songs from the late ‘80s and well into the ‘90s that are most sentimental, reminding you of your youth. Those are the songs you rocked out to. So, if you’re a Gen X embracing your mid-life running, we highly recommend adding songs from that era to your playlist. You’ll might be surprised at how much you’ll improve on a run when you need that extra push the most.

The Power Gen X Music Playlist

If you’re a Gen Xer or one of the middle-age runners, to kick off your running journey we’ve created a must-have playlist that might just give you the boost you need while training.

1.“Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Aah Nirvana. When Kurt entered the scene, Gen Xers born in the late ‘70s were transfixed, even if they didn’t like alternative at the time. Smells Like Teen Spirit is probably one of the most nostalgic songs of the early ‘90s. When you’re about to battle against a hill, put this tune on and turn it up.

2.“Losing My Religion” – R.E.M.

Listening to Michael Stipe as he performs this song, which combines haunting lyrics with an uplifting melody, is a surefire way to get you into a good running rhythm. It’s not the upbeat song you may need when you have to dig deep, but if you are looking to settle into a good pace then this may be the song to start off with.

3.“Pump Up the Jam” – Technotronic

The ultimate party anthem from 1989, “Pump Up the Jam” is perfect for interval training. Its infectious beat will have you dancing through your workout, where you might just turn every sprint into a mini dance party. While your kids won’t like it, it’ll very quickly get you into the running spirit.

4 “Black Hole Sun” – Soundgarden

Led by Chris Cornell, this classic rock ballad offers a slightly slower pace while keeping a powerful energy. It’s perfect for those reflective moments when you’re finding your groove. This will take running in your 40s to a whole new level.

5 “Walkin’ on Sunshine” – Katrina and the Waves

Nothing lifts the spirits quite like this feel-good anthem. It’s a great track to end your run on a high note. Plan this one for right at the end of your run to finish off strong.

6 “Eye of the Tiger” – Survivor

The beat of this tune is unmistakable. An early ‘80s hit, Eye of the Tiger has been featured in plenty of inspirational movies, and for good reason. It’s a great song to really get your inner fire going.

7 “Killing in the Name” – Rage Against the Machine

This one is for the Gen Xers who used to sport long hair and have a serious attitude. It features plenty of energetic and powerful riffs that will undoubtedly ignite your passion and determination during a challenging run.

Don’t Forget About Your Nutrition

While a power playlist will get you going when you need it on a run, if you don’t have the right nutrition you’ll never be able to chase down that PB.

Our bodies require a little more TLC than they did in our younger years, so it’s vital that you eat the right foods and supplements to give your body the energy it needs, especially on long or taxing runs.

Consider incorporating Fixx Nutrition products into your routine. Our range of natural performance-enhancing products can help you avoid cramps, support recovery, and make sure your body is ready to go while training and on race day. For example, our CrampFix range is perfect if you are looking to keep cramp at bay, while Gel X is a superior energy fuel product for those looking to perform their best. If some of the best athletes in the world trust our products, so can you.

Head to our product page to see our list of natural and high-quality sports supplements

Happy running!

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