Top 5 Tips to Stay Healthy Whilst Social Distancing

Top 5 Tips to Stay Healthy Whilst Social Distancing

Staying healthy mentally and physically can help effectively fight viruses – this is why it is important to make it a priority. Some might find this difficult after you are urged to stay inside for several days and to social distance yourself. Here are our Top 5 Tips to Stay Active and Healthy Whilst Working From Home.

1. Eat Well

It is so easy to jump on the snack bandwagon whilst you’re working from home. The standard work pantry only contains tea, instant coffee, sugar and the occasional biscuits; it is such a temptation to have a whole new outlook on a “work pantry” whilst working from home, and soon you’ll be finding yourself munching on dry cereal.

Prepare your lunch in the morning or get an idea of what you will have like any other workday. Make sure to prepare healthier alternatives for snacks like carrot sticks or nuts, and try to limit the number of snacks you actually have. Remember that our diet plays a massive role in our immune function, so you need to make sure that you are feeding it nutritious and whole foods.

Read our Top 5 Foods to Incorporate to Prevent Muscle Cramps

2. Look After Your Posture

We know how irresistible the couch or your bed looks to sit on all-day, but we can promise you that your neck and back will not love you for it. If you are using a make-shift desk with your dining table or kitchen bench, make sure your laptop or computer is at a comfortable height so you aren’t looking down and hurting your neck. Try using a few books to elevate your screen.

Also don’t forget to stand up, walk around and stretch your body. As explained in our previous blog post, when you sit for long periods of time during the day, you can be more inclined to experience nocturnal cramps. These can be extremely painful and disrupt sleeping patterns which are unwanted when we need good quality sleep to stay healthy. To relieve nighttime cramps, just spray CrampFix Rapid Mouth Spray 4-8 times in the mouth to relieve muscle cramps in 30 seconds – 2 minutes.

3. Change Up Your Workout

If your local gym has closed, try changing up your workout. There is a wide range of fitness apps and YouTube videos available for you to do in the comfort of your own home. Most have the option to use no equipment at all and asks you to use your furniture such as your couch and chair.

4. Wash Your Hands Frequently!

Keeping up good hygiene is one of the most effective ways to control infections. To slow the spread, we need to wash our hands before touching our face to avoid becoming infected. Experts recommend washing your hands for at least 20 seconds or the time it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice.

5. Stay Home if you are Feeling Sick

If you are feeling unwell with cold-like symptoms, particularly in these times, please stay at home and social distance yourself. It is important that we do not prioritise fitness over health and increase the risk of transmission. With that in mind, it does not mean that you cannot exercise at all, it just means to find an alternative such as a home workout or riding indoors with a bike stand.

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