I Ran The Marathon Cramp Free Thanks CrampFix

I ran the marathon cramp free. Thanks CrampFix!  Another happy, cramp free marathon runner has used CrampFix Raspberry 50mL bottle to run a full marathon without experiencing any muscle cramps.

“Hey CrampFix – just wanted to let you know that I ran the marathon yesterday CRAMP FREE!! Yee ha!! …

I used 1 bottle of the 50ml Raspberry flavour – a bit at start and then at 20 kms, 27kms and 35 kms – at no stage did I feel like cramping so felt good throughout- and I have certainly pulled up well today – thanks CRAMPFIX ! Cheers Adrian 😊👍🏻”

Adrian emailed us after he ran the O’Keefe Rail Trail Marathon in April.

CrampFix can also get rid of cramps straight away. Handy to have on you just in case, if you don’t know whether you’ll cramp or not!

Multi Serve Fliptop Bottle OR Single Serve Shot Sachet
We have options!!
Lemon, Raspberry or Espresso with caffeine.
Drink or swirl & discard. Up to you … both ways work well!

MADE IN AUSTRALIA by us. (No contract packing here)
Tested for Banned Substances. Informed Sport Accredited.

We just want to help you achieve your goals. Learn more about how CrampFix can help you run a marathon cramp free!

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