Fixx Nutrition’s Cold brew coffee shots are perfect for those after a quick shot on the run

Fixx Nutrition’s Cold brew coffee shots are perfect for those after a quick shot on the run

Fixx ColdBrew Coffee Shots – as featured in Bicycling Australia March 2023

Fixx Nutrition is a relatively small Australian company making major inroads into the global sports nutrition scene. Kicking off in 2016, Fixx quickly became known for natural products that helped prevent debilitating cramps. Following two years of extensive testing, their popular CrampFix range hit the shelves and has pretty well been the go-to muscle cramp remedy ever since.

Fixx also offer a wide range of other natural solutions to aide athletes and the one we’ve been recently using has quickly become an absolute essential.

Fixx Nutrition’s Cold brew coffee shots are perfect for those after a quick shot on the run.

Containing the equivalent level of caffeine of two shots of coffee, Fixx Nutrition Cold Brew Coffee Shots are basically like having a barista in your handlebar bag or jersey pocket.

We’ve been using the straight Cold Brew; Energy Espresso, Mocha & Sugar-Free Espresso are also available.

Either throw back the bottle or sip half and save the rest ‘til later, whichever way you take it this portable coffee fix offers a wonderful energy hit. It tastes great, helps keep you going, and is cost effective. We’ve been riding remote, out-of-town gravel trails with this lately and highly recommend it … nice one Fixx.

The Fixx Coldbrew shots are priced at $25 for a pack of 6.

To order or for more information visit

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