Will Drinking Tonic Water Stop Muscle Cramps?
Tonic water is a carbonated soft drink that contains carbonated water, sugar, and quinine which gives it a distinct bitter taste. Quinine is a bitter compound that comes from the bark of the cinchona tree and is commonly found in central and South America, as well as some islands in the Caribbean and western parts of Africa. Tonic water originally existed as a way to deliver quinine which was originally developed to fight malaria and is now sometimes believed to help treat muscle cramps.
Although drinking small amounts of tonic water should not be harmful, some studies have shown that quinine is not effective in treating muscle cramps and there is no scientific evidence that drinking tonic water helps with muscle cramps. It also may contain a lot more sugar than you expected and holds no nutritional value. On average, 100mL of tonic water contains 9g of sugar. Most serving sizes are 250-300mL which means that you are drinking approximately 27g of sugar per serve. According to the AHA, the maximum amount of added sugars you should consume is 37.5g for men and 25g for women.
An alternative to using quinine and tonic water to treat muscle cramps is to work through the TRP channels in your body. This is a much safer, more effective, and faster way to treat muscle cramps without any nasty side effects. By spraying CrampFix Rapid Mouth Spray four times in the mouth, it activates the sensory nerves in your mouth which sends a signal through the spinal cord to the cramping muscle and disrupts the signal. Your cramp is then rapidly relieved within 30 seconds to 2 minutes and you can regain your lost sleep.
Our formula is 100% natural, easy to use, and cost-effective. One bottle of our Rapid Mouth Spray contains 60 doses (1 dose = 4 sprays) which results in $0.42 per serve. In comparison, one 250mL bottle of tonic water is approximately $1.50 per serve.
If you do suffer from muscle cramps, try incorporating these things in your day to day life to help manage your muscle cramps:
- Stay hydrated during the day and drink the recommended daily intake of water (approximately 8 glasses)
- Make time in your day to stretch and move your body
- Eat a healthy diet and ensure you are consuming the right amount of nutrients and minerals your body needs to function (read what foods to incorporate to prevent muscle cramps)