Runner’s Gut: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly About This Common Affliction

Runner’s Gut: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly About This Common Affliction

You’ve trained for months with your eyes set on that race to achieve that PB you’ve always wanted. You’ve committed to your training schedule, eaten well, slept your eight hours a night, and gotten your head into the game. Now, with the sunrise just started to peak over the horizon you’re standing on the start line and ready to go. This is what you’ve trained for.

Then, you feel it. That rumble in your stomach that represents trouble. A heavy cloud of worry descends upon you and you wonder if runner’s gut is about to hit.

Also known as ‘runners trots’ or ‘runner’s diarrhea’, this affliction is often a fatal blow for those looking to perform at their best during a race. Sometimes it hits on the start line, other times it will arrive mid-race. Regardless of when it does hit you, it’s a tough blow to take. For those who have chosen to ‘push through’ runner’s gut, you’ll know how that ends – badly! 

Today’s post is all about runner’s gut and how to avoid it. If you’re a ‘poo-jogger’, this is for you!

What Exactly is Runner’s Gut?

The runner’s trots is born from a variety of digestive issues that can come about while you are on a run. The symptoms mostly include cramping, nausea, bloating, gas, and, in more severe cases, the urgent need to use the bathroom – a situation runners also called “runner’s diarrhoea.” It’s one of the running experiences that everyone tries to avoid.

When you run, blood flow is redirected from the digestive organs to the muscles and skin to support physical exertion and regulate your body temperature. This reduced blood flow can lead to digestive discomfort and make it harder for the gut to process any food or drink consumed before or during the run. Also, the impact of running jostles the stomach and intestines, which may also trigger these symptoms.

How to Avoid Runner’s Gut

So, how do you avoid runner’s gut

It’s all about taking the right steps before and during the race to make sure you keep it at bay.  Let’s break down some simple but effective ways to keep your stomach functioning as it should, so your runs can be as enjoyable (and poo-free) as possible.

Mind Your Pre-Run Diet

What you eat before a run is important that you keep digestive issues to a minimum. Aim to eat two to three hours before running, giving your stomach enough time to process the food. Avoid heavy, high-fibre foods that can speed up digestion too much or irritate your stomach. You’ll want to avoid things like beans, broccoli, or very spicy dishes. Instead, go for easy-to-digest carbs, lean proteins, and a little fat to fuel your body without risking tummy troubles. A banana with peanut butter or a slice of toast with honey is great for an energy boost that’s gentle on the gut.

It’s also important that you experiment before the big race day. Try different pre-run meals during your training to see what works best. Everyone’s digestive system is unique, so what might work for some runners could be a nightmare for others. By testing different foods, you can pinpoint what feels comfortable for your stomach, minimising surprises on race day.

Stay Hydrated – But Not Too Much

We all know that hydration is important on a run. Did you know though that overloading on water right before a run can lead to sloshing and discomfort, and potential stomach issues? Instead, look to hydrate gradually throughout the day (or for an early run over the hours before you race). And remember, it’s not just about water – electrolyte levels are equally important. This is where the right supplements come in, but avoid sugary commercial sports drinks. Consider more trusted products. For example, Fixx Nutrition’s electrolyte supplements, like CrampFix, are formulated to keep you hydrated without causing digestive distress, offering a gut-friendly alternative to sugary sports drinks that may only aggravate runner’s gut.

Dehydration can lead to serious performance drops, so knowing your body’s hydration needs is key. Start each run well-hydrated but not overly-hydrated, and if you’re running for extended periods, rather take small sips instead of big gulps. This approach can help balance hydration while avoiding the urge to sprint for a bathroom mid-run.

Start Slow and Build Gradually

For newer runners or those increasing their mileage, easing into the routine can help the body adjust and reduce digestive stress. Jumping straight into a high-intensity or long-distance run may shock the system, leaving you more vulnerable to runner’s gut. By slowly building your intensity and distance, you give your digestive system time to adapt, minimising the chances of a sudden “urge” striking mid-run.

Remember, running is as much about conditioning your body as it is your gut. Training gradually allows your entire system to get used to the physical demands, and this often helps keep runner’s gut to a minimum. Pushing yourself too hard without adequate conditioning can often lead to digestive woes as your body struggles to keep up.

Choose Supplements Carefully

If you only listen to one part of this article, this is it. The supplements you take play a significant role in how your gut reacts to physical activity. 

Many commercial supplements contain artificial ingredients and high sugar levels, both of which can irritate the stomach. It’s key that you choose a brand that is trusted and backed by science. It’s vital that the products are natural. Fixx Nutrition’s line is specifically designed to be gut-friendly, helping you fuel up without risking digestive upset. Made with 100% natural ingredients, our products are ideal for those with sensitive stomachs who want to improve their performance without the risk of runner’s gut. There’s a good reason why athletes and sports teams around the world trust Fixx Nutrition products. Can you imagine a Wallaby having an accident as he’s about to spurt over the try line?

Supplements like CrampFix offer targeted relief for cramps without introducing any synthetic additives that could contribute to gastrointestinal issues. By choosing products designed for sensitive stomachs, you can avoid the unpleasant effects of runner’s gut and focus on what matters most – reaching your running goals.

Trust Fixx Nutrition’s Range of Natural, Gut-Friendly Products

For runners, finding a supplement that delivers on performance without compromising gut health can feel like a rare discovery. This is where Fixx Nutrition comes in, offering a range of products that cater to endurance athletes and are gentle on even the most sensitive stomachs. Each of our products is crafted with natural, high-quality ingredients (with no maltodextrin) that support hydration, reduce cramps, and prevent dehydration without causing digestive upset. 

Explore our Fixx Nutrition shop and find the products that will support you through every KM. Whether you’re looking for a quick energy boost or a cramp solution that won’t leave your gut in knots, Fixx Nutrition has you covered. With Fixx, you’re choosing more than just a supplement – you’re choosing peace of mind, knowing that your nutrition is as focused on gut health as it is on performance.

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