Mark Off These Dates on the 2024 Australian Running Calendar

Mark Off These Dates on the 2024 Australian Running Calendar

With 2024 underway, it’s time to start gearing up for the many marathons, races, triathlons, and more that Australia has to offer. From professional-level races to family-friendly marathons, there is something for everyone. This year, Fixx Nutrition is proud to be an official partner of some of this year’s biggest running events, including the Canberra Times Running Festival and incredible Gold Coast and Sydney Marathons. 

Read on to learn more about some of the top events on the 2024 Australian running calendar, along with training tips to help you prepare.

Canberra Times Running Festival — 7 April 2024 

This exciting event will kick off on April 7th, offering four distances along gorgeous trails showcasing the lakeside beauty of Canberra. Runners can sign up for a marathon, half-marathon, 10k, or 5.4k. There’s also a 2km fun run for the kids. 

Fixx Nutrition is the official hydration partner of the marathon, providing runners with the fuel they need to compete on the day. 

Before marathon day, you can enjoy more fun at the Canberra Times Marathon Festival Expo, which starts on the 5th of April. 

All participating runners will receive a finisher t-shirt to commemorate their achievement! 

The Gold Coast Marathon — 6-7 July 2024 

The Gold Coast Marathon is back this winter, and we cannot wait to return as the Official Nutrition Partner for the event. The beautiful running event takes place along stunning surf beaches and Queensland’s Broadwater. There are options for both beginners and seasoned runners alike. Choose from a full- or half-marathon, 10k race, or 5k fun run.

Wheelchair races and a junior dash for kids also make this famous Australian running event more accessible and inclusive for all ages and abilities. Finisher rewards for every race include a medal and certificate, but additional prizes are awarded at various tiers. 

Sydney Marathon — 15 September 2024 

The 2024 Sydney Marathon is a World Athletics Platinum Label Marathon. Starting at 7:10am sharp at Bradfield Park, Milsons Point, and runs for seven hours across 42.195km, finishing up at the iconic Sydney Opera House Forecourt. 

Fixx Nutrition will be supplying Fuel X electrolyte + carbohydrate drink mix along the course and is thrilled to be the official hydration partner of the marathon and support runners on their journey. You’ll be able to fuel up with Fixx Nutrition energy gels at drink stations 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15. 

fisiocream GC30 Main Beach — 19 May 2024

The 30km Fisiocrem GC takes place on Sunday,19th May, starting from Main Beach and features stunning ocean views, amazing energy, and a gorgeous running trail along the Gold Coast. Runners can sign up for 30km, 15km, and 7.5km races, and there is also a Kids Dash event! 

The 30km run is the perfect middle-ground for those transitioning from half-marathons to full marathons. As you run along Main Beach, you’ll enjoy amazing views as you reach the finish line to claim your well-earned GC30 finisher medal. 

Fixx Nutrition will be there as the Official Nutrition Partner for the event, providing runners with Fuel X at an aid station every 3km! We’re here to keep you feeling pumped and turn your trek into triumph! 

fisiocrem GC50 Run Festival — 23-24 November 2024

This weekend beachside endurance event starts in Coolangatta at the southern end of the Gold Coast. Racers can choose from 50km, 25km, 12km, and 5km options, and a Kids Dash allows younger runners to get in on the fun. As the Official Nutrition Partner for the Fisiocrem GC 50km partner, Fixx Nutrition will be offering tropical flavour Fuel X every 3km. Thanks to Fuel X, it’s easier to stay on track and keep an even stride. 

The Fisiocrem GC50 is also hosting the 50km National Championships, working alongside the Australian Ultra Runners Association (AURA). 

The Importance of Good Nutrition in Marathon Training 

Whether this is your first 5k or your fifth marathon, training and nutrition are vital to your success and safety on the track. Proper training ensures your body has the physical stamina and strength to tackle the challenge ahead. Nutrition supports healthy muscles, physiologic endurance, and balance both on and off the track.

We created Fuel X to help runners like you stay energized and hydrated easily. We include a strong dose of key electrolytes to boost your strength and stamina while also including amino acids to improve your endurance.

How Soon Should You Start Training for a Marathon?

The answer really depends on your current fitness level and the length of the race you plan to run. Generally, it takes six months to a year to properly train for a marathon. For a 5k, you could train consistently five days a week and be ready within eight to 12 weeks. That being said, everyone’s body is unique, and it’s best to give yourself as much time as possible to prepare for something as physically demanding as a race. 

The longer the track, the more time you’ll need. Ideally, you should have a running base of 24 to 40 km every week by the time you take on your marathon. Beginners may need additional time to acclimatise their bodies to the rigours of running, since you need to start walking, then jogging before picking up speed and increasing intensity. 

How Do You Fuel During a Marathon? 

Pre-marathon nutrition is important, but so is your hydration and nutrition on the track. Runners are encouraged to drink – dependent on heat and humidity – between 400mm to 800ml over the course of an hour and consume an energy gel or supplement every 30 to 45 minutes to keep glucose flowing through their gastrointestinal tract and energy moving toward their muscles.

During your marathon race, water and electrolytes are equally important. The water keeps your body hydrated and stops you from suffering from early onset fatigue, muscle cramps, and burnouts. The electrolytes boost hydration further, ensuring that your body has adequate nutrition to fuel your muscles and convert carbohydrates into energy. What’s more, electrolytes help convert stored glucose (glycogen) into muscle fuel. 

Power Up With Fixx Nutrition

We’re here to help you conquer all your fitness goals. Our products are built for every athlete, designed to give quick, convenient nutrition and energy boosts on-the-go. We’re grateful to have some of Australia’s most esteemed marathons trust us with providing nutrition to their runners.

Thinking of signing up for an event? Check out our Essential Running Tips for Beginners and Strength Running Guide

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