Leg Cramps In Ironman CrampFix Can Save Your Race
Ironman athletes can suffer terrible leg cramps during racing and training.
“CrampFix really was a lifesaver, you put a hell of a lot of training hours into those types of events as you know, so it was a massive relief to find a product on course that literally fixed the problem in a minute or so, and enabled me to complete the event.
Port Macquarie 70.3 last year was my first long course triathlon. I felt like $1million bucks coming off the bike, and
within the first km of the run I was struck with my first EVER leg cramp.
I honestly thought my day was over, I had no idea how I would run another 20k.
Then I was lucky enough to find CrampFix at the next aid station, and it literally saved my event.
I went on to achieve my 70.3 goal.
One year later, I am attempting my first Ironman, and
I won’t think of starting without a CrampFix sachet in my belt!”
Nick Hall, Ironman 70.3 Port Macquarie 2017
CrampFix works rapidly by activiating sensory nerves in the mouth. Fast relief when you need it. Use it only when you need it. Prevents cramps and stops them.
Ironman athletes can cramp during any of the 3 legs. During the swim, bike or run. An Ironman can spend between 8 and 18 hours on the course. Cramping can be thing that stops a race. CrampFix will save your race!
Don’t let leg cramps in Ironman stop you from achieveing your goals! CrampFix is helping pros, top age groupers and first timers get through an Ironman cramp free!
It’s easy to use and carry! Packed in handy sachets, like gel packs. Tear open half way and drink or swirl and spit.