Jeri Chua – Ultra Runner – Saves Cramping Runners At Singapore Marathon
Meet Jeri Chua – An Inspiration for Runners – CrampFix Singapore Distributor
Jeri’s self description:
“Adventurer, ultrarunner, sports nerd. Constantly testing limits, taking inspiration from my incredible circle of friends and beyond. I’m not afraid to go against the grain, not in an aggressive way, just happy to think outside the box. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I’d like to inspire people, to show that you can achieve what you first perceive as impossible, by having faith, taking a step out of your comfort zone, and learning from things that don’t quite go as planned.”
Jeri recently helped save cramping runners at the Singapore Marathon in December 2017 with CrampFix!
Running a full marathon herself, Jeri and her CrampFix team were also handing our bottles to cramping runners.
CrampFix works rapidly to treat muscle cramps. The all natural proprietary formula works by activating sensory nerves to control tired and over acting nerves which cause muscle cramps.
Easy to use, CrampFix was developed over three years with professional rugby players in Australia and was recently launched locally and in Asia in 2017.
CrampFix is “breakthrough cramp management” and is now being used widely, including Ironman athletes, marathon & trail runners, international netball players, AFL, Rugby Union & Rugby League players, basketball players, triathletes, open water swimmers, road cyclists and mountain bikers.
Simply drink straight from the bottle or convenient single serve sachet. No mixing or measuring. Use only as required when exercising for rapid relief.