Ironman champion

Ironman Champions Secret Weapon

What’s the Ironman Champions Secret Weapon?

Auckland’s Nikkola Mathews was just crowned the Ironman New Zealand Overall Female AG Champion! Nikkola spoke to us about her race and how she achieved such great results. She said ‘We sacrifice a lot when it comes to bringing our A-game to a race. We demand a lot from ourselves mentally and physically and when it comes to racing I will do everything I can to control the controllable’s and plan for the what-ifs. This is why I take Crampfix.’ Now you know the Ironman champions secret weapon so let’s dive into how she uses it!

Nikkola has been a part of the Fixx Nutrition team for some time and has always sworn by Crampfix while racing and training. ‘It hits the overactive nerves causing the cramp and essentially tells it to calm down! I take it during a race to prevent cramps rather than wait for the inevitable. It is my weapon to allow myself to push to new limits, she says.

When does Nikkola take CrampFix?

When asked about when she uses Crampfix she said, ‘I use it in key training sessions when I am pushing hard, not only to avoid cramps but to ensure I am practiced in opening the Crampfix shot when under pressure. I need to practice actually getting it in my mouth rather than all over me. I also learn how it works on my body so come race day I am prepared. On race day I take a shot 15mins before I start, simply as a preventative measure. With vinegar as a key ingredient, it certainly makes you alert and ready to fire on all cylinders.

During the race, I take it when I feel a slight twinge, and immediately the pain disappears before it even really starts. Over the course of an Ironman, I take approximately 3 shots. Before the swim, on the bike, and at the start of the run. I carry one extra shot on me at all times should a cramp strike. Just like we take any other supplements – gels, electrolytes, and carbohydrate drinks – this is another effective tool you need in your arsenal for an effective race day’

So what’s next for Nikkola?

Nikkola is taking on the Auckland Half Marathon this coming weekend with her secret weapon tucked into her race belt. We wish her luck in her upcoming races!

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