"I always Keep A CrampFix Sachet or Bottle On Me"
The First Time Using CrampFix
by Ash Hunter, Ironman 70.3 Triathlete
Ever since starting triathlon in 2015 I’ve experienced muscle cramps in almost every race, usually on the run and was finding I’d start to cramp on the bike in a half Ironman too.
While walking through the Cairns Ironman Expo in 2017, I came across CrampFix and asked how their product works, what athletes have used it before and what have the athletes said about it. After having a chat to Jan and Michelle, the owners, I decided to buy a couple of bottles. I don’t usually like to try new things on race day but thought I’d just have it there as an “in case of emergency” situation.
I carried a bottle in my bento box on the bike and put the other one in my back race suit pocket when I got into Transition 2 for the run.
I ended up having a mouthful on the bike around the 60km mark when I could feel the very start of a muscle cramp going on. The cramps stayed at bay until 12km on the run when I could feel another one about to start so I had another mouthful and the cramps disappeared again.
CrampFix saved my race and I ended up with a 15 minute personal best time over the Ironman 70.3 distance and 3rd in the Female 25-29 Age Group.
I always keep a CrampFix sachet or bottle on me for training and racing now and haven’t looked back.