Fuel X Pro: The Science-Forward Formula for Endurance Athletes

Fuel X Pro: The Science-Forward Formula for Endurance Athletes

At the start of any athletic event, you likely have one thing on your mind: the finish line. But to get there, you need proper hydration and nutrition. This starts months before your event, and it is more than just a short-term focus of training. It’s foundational to your performance, growth, and experience as an athlete. The better your nutrition, the better your performance and recovery,and the easier it is for you to reach your goals. 

As an endurance athlete, you need support in the form of high-quality products and formulas you can trust. This comes from brands that aren’t focused on looking good but doing good. That’s one of the reasons we created Fuel X Pro


Breaking Down the Formula: Fuel X Ingredients

We engineered Fuel X to be the ultimate hydration supplement for athletes; the formula combines a unique carbohydrate blend with electrolytes and amino acids to deliver ongoing, balanced support to your entire body. 

Carbohydrate Blend 

Our carbohydrate blend contains only simple carbohydrates to provide you with sustained energy. The simple carbohydrate blend in Fuel X Pro ensures a higher absorption rate while minimizing gastrointestinal discomfort (minimising the need for a mid-run bathroom break).

Research shows that simple carbohydrates can increase absorption rates by up to 65%, resulting in enhanced fluid delivery and a lower risk of stomach pain or GI distress [1].

Electrolytes and Minerals

Fuel X is rich in electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium, which ensure your muscles are able to produce force over long periods of activity.  One serving of Fuel X Pro contains 48g of carbohydrates, 200 calories, and a comprehensive selection of minerals that you need to stay energized. 

Let’s look more closely at the ingredients in Fuel X Pro: 


What It Is


Dextrose (Glucose)

A simple sugar

Offers an immediate energy boost and enhances endurance over time


A dual-chain (disaccharide) sugar

Supports ongoing energy by releasing glucose and fructose 

Australian Sea Salt

A natural source of sodium 

Supports healthy muscle contraction, organ oxygenation, and enhances natural flavour 

Sodium Citrate

Sodium with citric acid

Maintains acid-base balance and helps prevent muscle cramps

Citric Acid

A natural acid found in citrus fruits

Supports metabolic function and enhances mineral absorption 

Potassium Chloride 

A mineral salt

Regulates fluid levels and supports healthy muscle contractions

Magnesium Citrate

An absorbable form of magnesium 

Prevents muscle cramps by promoting natural relaxation

Calcium Carbonate

A calcium supplement 

Supports bone health and muscle function


A non-essential amino acid

Enhances glucose metabolism and regulates blood sugar levels


A branched-chain amino acid

Reduces muscle fatigue from exercise and supports 

healthy recovery

All of the ingredients in Fuel X Pro are scientifically backed by research in numerous academic and medical journals. For example, a 2019 study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition highlights the importance of magnesium and sodium for endurance athletes [2]; a study by the University of Leeds found that subjects who consumed L-leucine increased their 5-rep max of eight exercises by 40.8% [3]. 

Our team continuously researches sports nutrition and the physiological science of endurance and strength to ensure we’re providing the most effective, natural formulas. 

Unlike other sports drinks and energy supplements, Fuel X Pro is built by athletes, for athletes using only 100% natural ingredients with zero additives and artificial flavours. It’s also vegan, so you can feel confident using it no matter what type of diet you follow. 

Why We Need Electrolytes to Hydrate Properly 

Endurance athletes need a well-rounded formula to sustain their energy during a marathon, triathlon, or other long sporting event. Water only replenishes the body’s fluids, but it doesn’t come close to replacing the essential minerals that you need to keep your muscles active and ward off fatigue and cramps. 

The body requires both carbohydrates and electrolytes to stay hydrated and produce sustained energy. Some athletes focus heavily on their carb intake, or they rely solely on sodium tablets and water instead of thinking about the bigger picture.

Sodium does play a crucial role in hydration by supporting muscle function and blood pressure stabilisation. But the body needs other electrolytes, including magnesium and potassium, to support oxygenation and healthy organ function during and after endurance sports. 

By ensuring you take a comprehensive blend of electrolytes, you can prevent muscle cramps, fatigue, and energy slumps that stop you from reaching your goals. Most importantly, proper electrolyte consumption before, during, and after endurance athletic events ensures your muscles can work and heal. 

How Fuel X Pro Can Change the Hydration Game for Endurance Athletes 

Fuel X isn’t just another energy supplement for athletes. It’s an all-in-one hydration solution backed by science. Learn more on the official Fuel X Pro store page, and reach out to us if you have any questions. We’re here to support your best self. 


Article sources:

  1. Jeukendrup, A. E. (2010). Multiple transportable carbohydrates and their benefits. Sports Science Exchange, 23(108). Retrieved from https://www.gssiweb.org/sports-science-exchange/article/sse-108-multiple-transportable-carbohydrates-and-their-benefits 

  1. Hector, A. J., & Phillips, S. M. (2018). Protein recommendations for weight loss in elite athletes: A focus on body composition and performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 15(1), 52. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-018-0242-y 

  1. Ispoglou, T., King, R. F. G. J., Polman, R. C. J., & Zanker, C. (2011). Daily L-leucine supplementation in novice trainees during a 12-week weight training program. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 6(1), 38–50. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51045802_Daily_L-Leucine_Supplementation_in_Novice_Trainees_During_a_12-Week_Weight_Training_Program 


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