Do you know what ‘Randonneuring’ is?
Meet Jong Ha Park! He is part of Korea Randonneurs, and is the most well known within the community.
According to Wikipedia:
Randonneuring (also known as Audax in the UK, Australia and Brazil) is a long-distance cycling sport with its origins in audax cycling. In randonneuring, riders attempt courses of 200 km or more, passing through predetermined “controls” (checkpoints) every few tens of kilometres. Riders aim to complete the course within specified time limits, and receive equal recognition regardless of their finishing order. Riders may travel in groups or alone as they wish, and are expected to be self-sufficient between controls. A randonneuring event is called a randonnée or brevet, and a rider who has completed a 200 km event is called a randonneur.[1] [2] The international governing body for randonneuring is Audax Club Parisien (ACP), which works with other randonneuring organisations worldwide through Les Randonneurs Mondiaux (RM). Randonneuring is popular in France, and has a following in the Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, United States, Canada, Brazil and India.
There are more than 10,000 registered “Randonneurs” in Korea, and upon introducing them to Crampfix, it is the best item they have tried so far.