CrampFix - A Story For All The Skeptics Out There

Cristian Homoc, Age 53, First Full Marathon at the Melbourne Marathon.

Here is the email he wrote to CrampFix after the event:


I wish to share my story with all the skeptics out there, as I was a skeptic myself.

I recently participated in the 2017 Melbourne Marathon. On the day when I went to pick up the race pack, I saw the CrampFix stand. I had never heard of CrampFix before and honestly, I thought it was just another gimmicky product. I listened to what the the guy had to say about it and left.

Something prompted me to google CrampFix and I read the reviews from previous users. That made me decide that paying $10.00 for a bottle, was like buying an insurance policy. You hope that you never need to use it. As it was a reasonable amount, I bought a bottle.

On the race day, I put the bottle in my belt pocket, thinking that if I was to need to use it, it would be after the 30km mark.
I had a great start and everything appeared to go my way. Except that at about the 3km mark, I started cramping in my right calf (which I had never cramped in before!). I got seriously concerned and slowed down, worrying that I would not be able to finish the race. As I was running more slowly, I managed to put up with the discomfort until about the 12km mark. At that point I used approximately half of the content of the CrampFix bottle, not holding great hopes. It took longer for the effect to take place, than the 30-60 seconds mentioned during the description of the product, a couple of days earlier, but to my surprise, after 1-2km it started working.

By the time I passed the 15km point, I was not bothered by the discomfort in the right calf, anymore.
I continued the race and took another sip for good measure, at the 30km mark. The rest, which was about 10ml, I took at about the 37km mark.

I managed to complete the race slightly outside of my goal of under 4.5 hours, but I believe that CrampFix made the difference between completing and not completing the event. This was my first Marathon (at age 53) and without CrampFix, the event could have been a disappointing experience.
Now, I am thinking that for next year’s Melbourne Marathon, I will buy two bottles. I will use some CrampFix before the race (as suggested on the information card), as a preventative measure and I will keep one bottle with me during the race.

Thanks guys”

Cristian Homoc

CrampFix provides athletes a valuable tool to manage muscle cramps. It works neurologically.

After taking CrampFix the sensory nerves in the throat are activated to send a signal through the spinal cord to control the overactive nerves where the muscles are cramping. It works rapidly to prevent as well as treat muscle cramps.

It is recommended to take CrampFix just 10 minutes before exercise or before expected cramp stage. This will work well to prevent any impending cramps.

If cramp does strike CrampFix can be taken to provide rapid relief, allowing athletes to continue to perform.

CrampFix is an all natural proprietary formula with a specific Ph level and combination of minerals. It is Gluten Free and Vegan.

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